Monday, January 19, 2009

How the black woman has been bred to hate the black man since childhood (i really hate to ay this but she really cant help it)

Hate is such a harsh word isnt it lol.

One of the simplest and most profound proclamations ive ever heard was this:

"A Devil Is What A Devil Does"

What does this mean?

Just like the bible says "you can tell a tree by the fruit it bears."

Look at the relationships you've had with black girls and women all your life and you'll see what im talking about.

First of all what is hatred?

To see what hate is let's see what the opposite of hatred is; love.

Love is respect.

It's just as simple as that.

If you love something you treat it with the utmost respect and regard.

Look at how the black woman treats the black man in this day and age.

Look at their blogs.

Look at their hate filled speech towards the black man.

This is not something that im just making up, this is reflected in their behavior towards and about the black man.

There is so much you need to know about this creature.

You think im being harsh but when you see some of the things that black women say about the black man behind his back (and to his face) you'll know what im talking about.

Of course her misanthropic disposition towards the black man wasnt created over night.

It was carefully and meticulously taught to her from her infancy and it is canstantly reinforced by a culture who's MAIN interest is to stop the black man and black woman from getting along with each other.

We have to talk about this one day but for right now lets talk about how the black woman is created to be an enemy against the black man from childhood.

Her first teacher is her mother and the female child bonds with mother first and tries to copy everything she does.

"she, as with any other cub, is taught survival skills; how to eat, dress, bathe, use the toilet, general manners and obedience..."

"She NEVER stops studying her mother."

She also hears conversations that her mother has with her father and she pays very close attention particularly to the reactions the mother has to the fathers words and actions and she emulates them with her interactions with males herself (so the black women over 40 really hate black men the MOST).

The bitter single mother teaches her daughter through her interactions with his father and especially when the mother is talking to other women about men:

  • The black man is a liar
  • The black man aint shit
  • dont believe and trust in him, he will dissapoint you
  • the black man will desert and cheat on you
  • witholding information is a necessary practice when dealing with a black man
  • if you are going to deal with a black man you better have a plan

The moher teaches her daughter slightly different lessons when the father is living in the home with her.

Some of these lessons are:

  • The black man is dumb and can be swayed with a little kindness and charm
  • the mother will say all types of things behind the her fathers back but when he comes in she'll be nice and sweet. This reinforces the beliefs that:
  • It's okay to talk about him behind his back and not tell him how you feel to his face
  • the black man must be dumb because he doesnt know how much i talk badly about him behind his back
  • a woman has the option to choose what she will obey fom her husband
  • a man is a bother
  • he doesnt know whats really going on
  • when the father is genuinely angry at something the mother or dauhter did the woman will dflect his attention from the subject showing the female child he can easily be swayed
  • or this is something i have to endure from a man but when you get older you dont

In addition to all the negativity about black men she gets from older black women (and many black men who have internalized these false beliefs about himself) she also naturally infers certain negative things about the black man through fantasies.

She is confused as a child and she accepts almost everything she sees in her environment as truth without questioning it.

She watches faiy tales on TV about the fantasy lives that white men and women dream about.

She's read bedtime stories written and published by white authors.

If she does read black books that are written by black people they are emulating these white fantasies.

She watches cartoons with animals who teach her confusing values.


In the midst of all of these images she rarely sees the black man as a hero or savior.

She rarely sees the black man doing great things for black women (unless they are emulating a white lifestyle).

She sees the black man on the 6:00 news.

She sees the videos where black men are portrayed as criminals and murders (she even hears the vile music played in her house).

How can the black woman not have a negative image of the black man after seeing all this crap.

It' inevitable.

Next time we'll talk about the teenage girl and how she acts these stereotypes out with the teenage black male (with the assitance of the mother of course).


posts about the black female will be posted in my new blog Tubman the Bitch slayer lol (i couldnt resist that title)

i am going to reserve this blog for solutions to our problems

im getting a crackberry so ill be able to post stuff from home now so ill be posting more frequently (at least 2 times a week) and visiting other blogs more frequently (if i still have any blog buddies left lol)

i will also be posting sound interviews with prominent activists, writers, businessmen and so forth starting this week.

its going to be a busy year so stay tuned.

thats it for now

peace out

The 3 Main Types Of Afrikan AmeriKKKan Women You Will Have To Deal With (exerpts from the black man's guide to understanding the black woman)

Fellas, you have to nderstand this:


Before you can conquer the modern day black woman you must understand her.

Many people ask why does she needs to be conquered or controled?

Because she is not race conscious, she is out of control, her mind is almost completely controled ny the media and the endless fads that come in and past away.

And the main reason why they need to submit to the will of the responsible black man is because only a man can make her into what she needs to be (not the bitter women in her life but the leadership of race conscious men).

This post will be a little lengthy but i think the information is valuable.

#1 - Low Grade Black Woman: (I hate That Name But This Is The Name Sister Ali Gave)

  1. May have been subjected to multi-generational poverty and shame as a child
  2. She's at the lowest rung of employment.
  3. Bathing is not that important (bra strap may be gray, may wear draws 2 to 3 days straight)
  4. Drinks alcohol to the point of intoxication and curses LOUD in public
  5. Hangs around weekly in local corner bars and goes out with strange men - who she fight with regularly
  6. May relate aggressively to her neighbors
  7. If she does not work she is on welfare.
  8. may spend all of her check on clothes and partying
  9. might have a gold tooth or missing teeth
  10. may be overweight (over 79% of black women are over weight)
  11. comfortably wears run over shoes
  12. overly impressed with fancy dressed blackmen in big flashy cars with lots of gold
  13. materialistic on a small scale and does not like to stay in doors
  14. she is not ashamed of her condition
  15. time is made up of gossiping with her neighborhood chronies, looking at television, wish shopping in near by malls, yelling at her children and walking back and forth to the corner store
  16. attempts to use the blackmen available to use the black men available to finagle him out of money, drinks or car rides (women from the other categories do this too)
  17. has no idea what to do with a black man herself
  18. hates the black woman in the higher social classes and considers them conceited (she's right)
  19. world of thought is very small
  20. if she has any dreams they are dreams of being rescued from her status
  21. accepts advances of white men
  22. if involved heavily with drugs and alcohol she becomes a social dreg
  23. money do not matter on that level unless they can provide her with money or contraband
  24. she needs to be cleaned up, claimed, and returned to her proper state of existence as a civilized woman (all in each category needs this).

#2 - The Average (she goes with the flow)

  1. somewhat of an enigma (yeah right)
  2. steady employee
  3. enjoys weddings and birthdays and makes preparations for both
  4. she is neat
  5. goes to church regularly
  6. fixes her hair nicely
  7. speaks coherantly
  8. at least a high school grad
  9. not overly ambitious
  10. active participant in life and enjoys many things
  11. fairly clean
  12. she is thoughtful, mannerable and knows how to meet people
  13. proud of her level of sophistication
  14. may party occasionally
  15. expereinces a more controlled form of suspicion, doubt and fear
  16. may be shy
  17. makes her likes and dislikes known
  18. best be found and examined in general office duty jobs
  19. she's corny lol
  20. might get high every once in awhile (alcohol is her vice of choice)
  21. consents to marriage for the percieved security or to impress her friends
  22. content to work from 9 to 5
  23. easier to get along with than #1
  24. does not ask deep questions
  25. most vicious reactions are brought on by jealousy or being jilted
  26. fantasies of relationships are patterned off television
  27. content to go along with the status quo
  28. faith is important
  29. attracted to lower cklass or upstanding black men who are gainfully employed
  30. most comfortable when she's shopping
  31. has a few secrets but most are trite
  32. she's a follower
  33. often degrades black women in the 1st category
  34. enjoys fancy cut outlandish hair styles
  35. anxious to meet men
  36. exaggerates about her abilities and accomplishments
  37. tries to be clever and entertaining with her man
  38. she is the easiest to manipulate

#3 - The High Class (the most confused of them all, also has a tendency to be a real bitch to the black man, and she's proud of it, but she is the one im most attracted to, and she is who the average black woman looks up to)

  1. Smart and calculating
  2. she's sexy (often a raging beauty)
  3. most difficult to reach and train
  4. confident, intelligent and attractive
  5. wears the finest clothes
  6. has a high price well paying positon
  7. prides herself on being state of the art aware
  8. reads books
  9. looks at educational television
  10. has a college degree
  11. goes to church sometimes
  12. may volunteer
  13. has a definte political party that she often contributes to
  14. member of a ritzy club
  15. has nice jewelry and wears expensive popular perfume
  16. very opinionated
  17. alma mater is very important
  18. she is amused by spectator sports especially football and may play tennis or bowl
  19. curses more in private than in public
  20. likes to let her hair down
  21. considers herself a prize lol
  22. may be an entrepreneur
  23. may snort a little coke or smoke a little reefer
  24. rarely gets so out of control she forgets her community standing and professional responsibilities
  25. familiar with intricate banking systems and has a retirement plan
  26. has an american express card
  27. she travels all over the world LA, Bahamas, Europe, and possibly Afrika
  28. frequents the health spa
  29. buys expensive gifts for her man and friends
  30. drives a nice car
  31. lives beneath her means but manages money well enough
  32. very head strong
  33. delights in demonstrating to the black man her wealth and vast knowledge
  34. believes she is completely self sufficient (LMAO)
  35. not interested in keeping house or treating the black man with special accord
  36. boasts of doing things for herself and thinks the black man should do likewise
  37. performs beautifully in front of strangers
  38. makes a good impression
  39. exudes sex at will
  40. greatly influenced by her peers (which means that she is extra dumb) or others who sem to be pace setters
  41. adopts popular trends about dating and marriage
  42. becomes ferocious when she thinks a man is playing around on her
  43. fight viciously to prove the black man wrong
  44. so concerned about public opinion (INCREDIBLY INSECURE)
  45. she will deal with a black man who she is not interested in just to have an escort on her arm
  46. she is moody and disagreeable to live with
  47. she believes her specialized qualifies her to equal or superior to the black man
  49. she is an insecure wad of knots that hides behind her educatio, fine wardrobe, shapely body and savings account

It sounds like im beating up on the black woman but you should definately take these traits into consideration when dealing with her.

many things i didnt mention but stay tuned because i got some mo stuff to tell you abiout this enigmatic creature.

Those who dont know their history are doomed to repeat it.


Some of the things i learned about black women by watching episodes of girlfriends. (never forget that information is power)

If you want to understand the modern day black women you have to see them in their natural environment.

Read their blogs, find out what they are talkign about, watch the shows that they watch, delve into their psychology as much as possible because you are going to have to deal with them for the rest of your life and you want to be able to deal with them in a way that doesnt cause you to hurt her or hurt yourself (and there are women that might drive you to do one or the other, or both).

When you really think about it, men should have the control in relationships with black women anyway becuase they heavily outnumber us.

And the vast majority of black women have no appeal for white men so we are the only ones they want.

You better not let any stupid, psychotic woman cause you to do something stupid that might land you in jail.

Your freedom is too valuable and there are so many black women to choose from, why would you be pressed over one woman to the point where you would even think about putting your hands on her or doing something else detrimental to yourself and possibly her.

You gotta wake up brothers.

A woman is not worth all of that unless you have kids by her then you have to deal with her and ill give you some tidbits on how to handle her later this week.

Anyway according to Shahrazad Ali there are 4 types of american black women and we are only going to address one today: The High Class One.

This one is the most alienated of them all and she is dangerous because she influences the other 3.

In the next post ill explain the psychology of the 4 in total but i wanted to post this first.

So what did i learn from the modern day black women by looking at countless episodes of this unfortunate show lol:

  • The high class black woman has no problem droping a man whenever she wants on a whim
  • She has no problem degrading and humiliating him in private or in public
  • She thinks that she is a mack LOL
  • They think they are qualified to tell men where to go, how to talk and how to act (and they excercise this right frequently)
  • High class black women challenge men and their manhood at will
  • The show girlfriends completely humiliates black men
  • The high class black women want men to think, feel and act the way they want them to
  • Many of the men on girlfriends whine and complain and dont want to take a step without the direction of a woman
  • They are constanly involved with a power struggle with men
  • They think that men are stupid and they are only motivated by the affection and love of a woman
  • these women rarely appologize and they HATE the truth
  • men worship the self hating black women that degrade them
  • black women who are beautiful, got money and pay their own bills think that a black man cant tell them anything
  • this black woman has soooooooo many problems establishing and maintaining intimate relationships with men (you can see by this by the amount of relationships she falls in and out of)
  • the guys because they are so mentally dependent on the affection of women starts to act like a child and she is put off by this neediness

This is only a few of my findings but im still on this case.

Even if these statements are not true i would looooooove for someone to prove me wrong.




This was a little raw but brothers dont know the seriousness of this situation until they are stuck in a cold jail cell thinking (what the hell just happened).

We cant be afraid to talk about this issue because we are afraid of being bullied or ostracized by women.

Think about that.

Peace out.

The First Steps In Learning How To Deal With The Black Woman Of The 21st Century! (Brothers If You Dont Know This You Will Be Victimized By Them)

The more i learn about black women, the more i realize that there is so much more i need to learn.

Fortunately i study important works on this subject, and i have had many interactions with these women so i have some semlance of what they are about and how to go about dealing with them in the most effective manner (even though it doesnt always end up that way lol).

I am writing this post and i will be writing other posts like this because for the last month i have seen men do the stupidest, craziset things that were provoked by a woman.

I was watching some judge shows a couple of weeks ago and this white guy was on there.

This dude said that he beat himself up with a beer bottle, punched himself damn near knocked himself uinconscious then called the police and told them that his girlfriend did it just to get back at her.

This one guy destrotyed this womans car because he was mad at her.

This guy that my sister is going with got mad at what my sister and put comet and bleach in the fish tanks at her house and killed the fish.

My uncle threw the christmas tree in his house and got put in jail because of an argument he had with his wife.


I have done some things that i am not proud of over a woman too.

I dont think a real man would let a woman get them riled up like that!

I mean certainly we have to check the bitches that we interact with if they get too out of hand, but i've been through that shit and uh, I AINT GOING TO JAIL FOR NOBODY!

Brothers, there are some things you have to learn about the black woman that they are not going to tell you.

Luckily there are brave black women out there who will give you the real scoop.

If you havent met that one that almost drove you insane you might so you have to know these rules.

There are certain things that they have been trained to do by the bitter, ignorant women in their lives since they were young.

They have very very distorted and evil perceptions about black men that most brothers are not aware of (especially the afrikan american woman).

The things that i've read in the black man's guide to understanding the black woman, and have seen with my own eyes and have heard about women doing are unbelievable.

I got to get my thoughts on this together but if you want to see some real talk on how screwed up the modern day black woman is today (not just her but damn near all women who live in the united states) then stay tuned becasue im about the tell you some things that most of you might know on a subconscious level but never really thought about.

Stay tuned.